Customer Testimonials

To celebrate our 80th year, we have spoken to some of our customers to ask them about their relationship with Marshall-Tufflex.  We are lucky enough to work with some fantastic people and look forward to that continuing for many years to come.


Dan Poole - Phase Electrical

“Since we opened our first branch 19 years ago, and being local, we have worked with Marshall Tufflex for all those years and have always enjoyed a great relationship with them, as we’ve grown, they have serviced us impeccably with our new demands. As local companies, we have forged some great friendships over time. They are always willing to help and support where they can.”

Robert Moss - Moss Electrical

“I am probably the only person in this industry who has dealt with Marshall Tufflex for over 50 years and I can say, with my hand on my heart, that it has always been a pleasure.

“In an industry which is now run by American and European conglomerates, who employ number crunchers and people who do not care about or understand their supply chain partners, it is so refreshing to deal with a UK manufacturer who employs and supports their most important business segment.  Thank you MT for being what you are!  Never change!”

Alan Moore - Medlock Electrical Distributors Limited

“Medlock have been a satisfied customer of Marshall-Tufflex since 1987 and have had very strong relationships with their senior management over that time. We are delighted Jon Chamberlain is taking over from Paul Mitchell as Managing Director.

“Their service and value for money have been the other planks to the continued strength of our relationship and it is no coincidence that MT and Medlock are both independent businesses which I trust will continue long after their well earned 80th Anniversary celebrations are completed.”

Jeremy Saunders - CEF

“I have been working with the team at Marshall-Tufflex since 2014. Marshall-Tufflex is a trusted brand, a quality product, they have a great team of people who are flexible and easy to do business with, plus they are always super helpful, they provide great service, and the brand represents good value for money, we really like the sustainability of the products and the circular economy that comes with a large % of the material used in their products being recycled, this gets a big tick from us!”


“In the mid 1970’s John Dunne granted BKC Electrical the sole distribution rights in Ireland for the Marshall Tufflex range of products. In 1981 the directors of BKC decided to form Core Electrical to ensure that the Marshall Tufflex brand got the focus that it needed and deserved. Core Electrical has been the sole distributor in the Republic of Ireland for Marshall Tufflex ever since. After 40 years, with the support of the local wholesalers, Marshall Tufflex is the leading supplier of PVC and aluminium cable management systems in Ireland.

“In 2011 Jim Fletcher asked us if we thought we could replicate the success that have in the Republic of Ireland, in Northern Ireland? We took on the challenge and formed Core Electrical Distributors (NI) Ltd. After ten years, with the support of the local wholesalers, Marshall Tufflex is now the leading supplier of PVC and aluminium cable management systems in the Northern Ireland market.”

“The quality of the products has always been second to none. The service levels have always been excellent, and the prices have always been good enough to allow us to compete with most of our competitors. However, I think the real reason that our partnership has been such a success, and the reason we like working with MT, is because the directors and staff of Core & MT have always managed to form strong personal bonds that enable us to trust each other implicitly. John Dunne, John Austin, John Russell, Maurice Palmer, Paul Evans, Jim Fletcher, Paul Mitchell & Kevin Page have all played a huge part in the success of Core Electrical because they listened to us and trusted our judgement. They have always taken a keen interest in our company, just as we have taken a keen interest in MT. We have a unique partnership that transcends the usual Manufacturer/Customer relationship because we understand what we both bring to the table.”

“Marshall Tufflex is synonymous with quality and good service. While MT are not cheap, I believe they give us great value for money. I also think that because they are privately owned, they are much more capable of making a quick decision, than all of their corporate competitors. Also, because most of their PVC cable management competitors are part of big corporate entities, the PVC cable management systems can get lost in their huge portfolio’s. MT on the other hand only has to focus on PVC cable management systems and I think that allows them to focus on giving the market the very best product and service available.

They have also managed to employ a lot of great people over the years who take a keen interest in the business and its customers, and long may that continue.”

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